Writing Workshop - Minilesson
Introduction to Writing Workshop
SFUSD Elementary Teachers on Special Assignment, Nikki Thornton Street and Lindsay Hatfield, present an introduction to Writing Workshop. Presented at Bayview Ignite!, August 2017
Whole Class Instruction in Studying Author’s Craft and Intent: Reading a Mentor Text so Writers Learn Literary Technique (5-8) - Using mentor text to craft ending
Whole Class Instruction: Fantasy Writers Develop Setting (5-8)
A SFUSD teacher using mentor text to write introduction
Whole Class Instruction to Teach Students to Reread their Information Texts with an Eye Towards Logical Structure and then Use This to Guide Revisions (3-5)
Whole Class Instruction to Teach Students to Use Domain- Specific Vocabulary Within Information Writing (K-2)
In this video, Ms. Hartman uses the mentor text of a Kindergarten writer, modeled writing, and shared writing to teach kindergarten students about writing informational texts.
Teaching Students to Examine Craft Moves and Author's intent in Mentor Persuasive essay in order to Support Revision (5-8)
Thinking of ideas to write about by thinking of problems you see in every day life and thinking of possible solutions
Writing Workshop - Conferring
An Ensuing Conference: Providing Critical Feedback to Raise Standards (5-8)
Providing and then Withholding Scaffolding to Support one Child’s Early Understanding of Narrative Structure so the Child can Write Events in Sequence (K-2)
In this video, Ms. Noonan from Think College Now School in Oakland, CA confers with a 5th grade student as she prepares to publish her work.
In this Teachers College and Writing Project video, Ms. Hartman talks with a student about telling a true story and models a strategy for telling the story across the pages so that it follows a sequence of events. She also teaches him what to do when he is trying to think of a story to write, increasing his independence as a writer. (K-2)
A SFUSD teacher, confers with student about using headers to help you plan what to write
A Writing Conference: Teaching a Student to Write for Audience (2-5)