Assessment Resources
Integrated Writing Assessment (IWA)

The Integrated Writing Assessment (IWA) is a performance-based formative and summative writing assessment that incorporates a writing process model into its design and administration.
To access grade level rubrics, prompts and examples for each writing genre,examples, visit this link.*
For general information about the IWA and the Assessment Timeline, visit the Achievement Assessments Office IWA site.
*SFUSD Log In Required for all Resources
To access grade level rubrics, prompts and examples for each writing genre,examples, visit this link.*
For general information about the IWA and the Assessment Timeline, visit the Achievement Assessments Office IWA site.
*SFUSD Log In Required for all Resources
Practice Informative/Explanatory IWA Materials:
Reading Inventory (RI) Information - Click here to find all of the information you need for managing and administering the RI.

Fountas & Pinnell's Benchmark Assessment System
Grades TK, K, 1 & 2
Teachers administer the Fountas and Pinnell (F & P) Benchmark Reading Assessments to all students district-wide in grades TK, K, 1, and 2.
The F & P Benchmark Assessment System is a comprehensive assessment used to determine readiness for reading, and independent and instructional reading levels. Implementing F & P assessment across SFUSD for all TK, K and Grade 1 & 2 students will allow the district to streamline professional development and resources, and gives school staff and families a common language about literacy. Go to the Achievement Assessments Office Fountas & Pinnell assessment page for more information.
Grades TK, K, 1 & 2
Teachers administer the Fountas and Pinnell (F & P) Benchmark Reading Assessments to all students district-wide in grades TK, K, 1, and 2.
The F & P Benchmark Assessment System is a comprehensive assessment used to determine readiness for reading, and independent and instructional reading levels. Implementing F & P assessment across SFUSD for all TK, K and Grade 1 & 2 students will allow the district to streamline professional development and resources, and gives school staff and families a common language about literacy. Go to the Achievement Assessments Office Fountas & Pinnell assessment page for more information.
Smarter Balanced Assessment Information
Can Someone REALLY Explain this Test? Helpful Information on SBAC for SFUSD Families - This video shares basic information for SFUSD Families about the new Smarter Balanced Assessment. It reviews general information about the test: what makes it different than previous end-of-year assessments, and answers common questions from families.
Understanding Your Child's CAASPPIndividual Student Score Report - This video will help you and your child learn about California's new Student Score Report of year-end standardized test results.
Entendiendo el Reporte de Calificaciones Individual de CAASPP del Estudiante - Este vídeo le ayudará a usted y a su hijo a aprender sobre el nuevo "Reporte de Calificaciones del Estudiante" de California y de los resultados de los exámenes estandarizados de fin de año.